Helping Hands Christian Learning Center
"Let Us Make a Difference in Your Child's Life"
Join Us at Helping Hands...
"Before & After School Program"
We are here to help you during the school months.
Through out the school year our School Age program is in high demand. Due to it's reputation, our program is already quite FULL, however, it is worth your try to see if we still have space.
Also, we provide care to your family when teachers are training or your children have 1/2 days or are on break.
So, if you need help with their care during those times,
please think of us.
This time together is a thematic program that keeps your children up to date on their reading & math and also allows they to enjoy great fellowship with others their own age. There are crafts, art, games, movies, outdoor events and all food/snacks are "homemade," healthy and included.
Call to see if we have space for your needs.
Call 517-882-8622
Teaching Children God's Word...
On Thursday Mornings, each week throughout the year, the Pre-School and the Kindergarten Readiness Classes spend time with Pastor Jan praising God in worship.
In the summers, on Friday, the Summer Program spends time learning about various Christian themes and how they apply to every day life.
During this time together, the children hear God's Word, watch videos, discuss what they have learned, pray, sing & dance to special songs.
Our goal is provide the children with a Biblical lesson each week that will in turn help them become stronger individuals who are grounded both emotionally and spiritually in the Word of God.
Also we hope they will discover through the love of God and His Word how to give more to others and the world as they practice what they have learned at Helping Hands.
This is a very popular event for children ages 5-12, and it is necessary to keep your loved ones safe and on track during the school year.
We realize that the summer months have just begun, however it is important that we all think about the Fall as this program fills quickly.
So, if you think this is where you want your child to be in the fall and winter months and if you know that transportation to and from school is important, please reserve your spot(s) now as we have limited space.
Call our director Rachelle at: 517-882-8622
soon to reserve your spot (s)

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them and he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
-Mark 10